Winston Zahra oblivious to GWU attacks

Former MHRA director was surprised by GRTU boss Vince Farrugia's allegations.

Winston Zahra Sr. today told the court he was not aware that any local newspaper had insulted him personally.

Zahra was giving evidence in the libel suit filed by GWU general secretary Tony Zarb against GRTU director general Vince Farrugia. During a television interview, Farrugia had alleged that the GWU employ fascist measures against employers.

The witness stated he never had any issues with Tony Zarb. "I had a disagreement with Jack Calamatta during an MCESD meeting but this was sorted".

He explained how Calamatta had subsequently invited him for dinner and the disagreement was resolved. Zahra denied suggestions claiming a systematic attack against him or his son by the union.

Zahra held he only reads one particular newspaper and was surprised when he read that Vince Farrugia had mentioned him. Winston Zahra was also unaware of any attack against his son, but told the court, "He can testify about that himself".

The case continues on 4 October.

@ Pacam. Nahseb li mort scola fi tfulitek u suppost li taghlimt li tirrispetta lil nies. Jekk xejn Dr Joseph Muscat huwa il Prim Ministru ta Malta u ghal daqstant ghanda nindirizawh hekk naqblu jew ma nagblux mieghu.
@ Pacam Iccekkja l-fatti l-ewwel qabel ma tparla...dak mhux l-istess Zahra li skond int ta Malta Taghna Ilkoll
@ pacam Kif ma titghallmu qatt!! Jekk mhux mghana kontra taghna u nippruvaw inkissruh, nghajjruh, niktbu fuqu, inbezzghu, indahhlu id dubju u naqilghu il qlajjiet. Din hi l strategija Tal pn Li dahhlitkhom go hajt tal konkrit u ghadkhom ma tghallimtu xejn minnha.
Pacam: kiesah.
Winston Zahra is one of the beneficiaries of Malta Taghna Lkoll and consequently he became prone to forget anything that was said against him by the GWU or anyone in government of Peppi ta' Burmarrad.