Defence accuses Vince Farrugia of ‘lying under oath’

Defence urges court to investigate witnesses in case ‘riddled with perjury’.

Vince Farrugia 'lied under oath', according to the defence.
Vince Farrugia 'lied under oath', according to the defence.

Prior to the start of the case, Vince Farrugia had sent SMS messages to members of the press to attract attention to his case. The case was riddled with perjury as witnesses repeatedly lied under oath, according to defence lawyer Edward Gatt.

Magistrate Edwina Grima was hearing the case against Sandro Chetcuti, who stands accused with inflicting grievous injuries to GRTU director Farrugia.

In his final submissions, Gatt argued Farrugia blatantly lied under oath. "The alleged victim told the court how the accused punched him 10 times on the face. This later went up to 20. If Sandro Chetcuti had punched the victim 20 times in the face, we all know what the consequences would have been," he said.

The defence said that whether or not one agreed with the forensic report by Mario Scerri, it remains a report drawn by an expert.

On analysing the medical documents, it resulted Anthony Samuel also lied under oath. Samuel, a doctor, had exaggerated the victim's injuries. It later turned out the doctor was dating the victim's daughter. 

Samuel claimed no one had approached him about the incident. However, witnesses explained they had met Samuel and discussed the case at length.

"Not only should we throw out the evidence given by Dr Samuel but as in other cases the court should suggest which direction to be followed regarding those who lie under oath," Gatt said.

Other witnesses also lied under oath, he claimed. Marcella Agius, the first person to enter Farrugia's office, told the court Farrugia was on the floor and the accused was at his side.

However, all other witnesses claimed they saw Sandro kick Farrugia in the ribs.

"The cherry on this cake is the testimony of Sylvia Gauci, who informed the court she had been called inside an office and instructed on what to say on the witness stand," the lawyer said.

The defence also attacked Farrugia's credibility. Described by Gatt as a screaming witness, Farrugia repeatedly provoked the accused. "He pointed his fingers in his face, screaming 'fraudster, fraudster'," so the accused punched him to ward him off.

Gatt claimed Chetcuti should be found guilty of slight injuries after he was provoked. Chetcuti was investigated in a police station and spent two weeks remanded in custody over charges of attempted murder.

The defence lawyer reiterate the charges should have been drawn over injuries and the case heard at a District sitting.

Furthermore, the court should order the investigation of all witnesses who have been proven to have lied under oath. No sort of justice has been delivered to Chetcuti, the defence claimed. He was charged with attempted murder simply because Farrugia was a candidate on the PN ticket and two police officers wanted to look good to the previous administration and to Farrugia.

Steve Tonna Lowell, appearing for Farrugia, said the accused had hit Farrugia so hard he broke his own hand. The charge of grievous injuries was proven by the medical reports.

The case had escalated after the accused sent a mobile text by mistake. Farrugia and Chetcuti met at the office of the former and an argument ensued.

"Sandro Chetcuti sought provocation himself," Tonna Lowell said.

Addressing allegations of perjury, the lawyer held the court should also investigate the witnesses brought forward by the defence.

The case continues.

@accountability So Dr GATT because he is a lawyer can throw mud over so many witnesses and the man in the street cannot point fingers at the only witness who changed her version after she met Sandro Chetcuti In a Mellieha hotel! Yes why not investigate SYLVIA Gauci. She only changed version after meeting Sandro in Mellieha
Get serious Sonata!!! Its clear as crystal that Vince Farrugia had used his position with the former political party to break Sandro Chetcuti but as they say:- Dak li tizra tahsad!!!
@sonata. with all this evidence you seem to have how about coming foward for justice to be done? Or are you another liar ?
Sonata, Sylvia Gauci was the only witness who had the courage to tell the truth about what she actually saw. She told the Court that shortly after the incident, she was instructed on what to say to the police. She confirmed that she did not see Chetcuti hitting Farrugia. Sonata seem to be well versed with this case and knows things that did not come out in court. OOOPS. Why didn`t you mention the disgraceful SMS`s retrieved from Farrugia`s mobile.
As "Accountability" says: " blacken the name of a witness to achieve one's aims is neither justice nor legitimate.". Now read the article again and tell me: who is blackening the name of witnesses to achieve his aims ?
@ Sonata: your sonata has long lost its sell by date. We all know the lies that were presented in and out of Court and Vince Farrugia has lost all his credibility with or without the PN ticket. So your allegation re Sylvia Gauci could be true but it could also be false in line with others to try and deviate the course of justice. Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur and to blacken the name of a witness to achieve one's aims is neither justice nor legitimate.
I cee so all other witnesses lied and the one and only Sylvia Gauci who is often seen at Cordina with Sandro Chetcuti for coffee is affidable. And wasnt she the one who was also seen in a prominent Mellieha Hotel talking to Sandro Chetcuti a few months back! is that called soliciting in any way? Justice should be done and in simple terms this hype is because it is Vince Farrugia. if this wasmy father or yoursSandro Chetcuti would go to the gutter!