Former Safi mayor apologies to councilor in defamation case

Former mayor of Safi, Pietru Pawl Busuttil, takes back allegations leveled against fellow local councilor.

Former Safi mayor Pietru Pawl Busuttil
Former Safi mayor Pietru Pawl Busuttil

The former mayor of Safi has apologised for allegations he leveled against Labour councilor Johann Mula, a court heard today.

Pietru Pawl Busuttil was accused of having slandered Mula during two local council meetings, accusing his father - a former police officer - of being involved in his frame-up back in 1986.

Busuttil was charged with the murder of Raymond Caruana, a Nationalist activist, in 1986. The trumped-up charges were never proven in court.

According to Mula, Busuttil told him during a council meeting of the 9 and 21 January, that his father, a police officer, would have brought about his death during his detention in 1986, and told Mula personally that he had "a know-how for organizing political frame-ups."

Tracing an identical line to the 1986 frame-up, it was Guido de Marco's son Mario - the Nationalist MP - to take up his late father's client's case.

De Marco told the court that Busuttil was apologizing for the exchange words.

Busuttil apologised in open court to Mula.

Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit declared the proceedings had been exhausted.

Wara li l-Kunsillier Pietru Pawl Busuttil talab skuza u ghamel apologija quddiem il-qorti ghal diskors li kien qal fil-konfront tieghi, b'sens ta' rieda tajba u fid-dawl ta' l-imsemmi apologija, illum iddecidejt li nirtira l-kwerela fil-konfront ta' l-imsemmi akkuzat. Dan qed naghmlu wkoll sabiex ix-xoghol tal-Kunsill ikun jista' jibqa ghaddej minnghajr skossi. Nirringrazzja mill-qalb lill-avukat Dr. Robert Abela tal-assistenza tieghu u kif ukoll lis-Sindku Francis Callus, il-Kunsillier Carlo Stivala u s-segretarju tal-Kunsill tal-appogg taghhom f'dan il-kaz. Johan Mula, Vici Sindku, Hal Safi