Judicial protest filed over transfer from Civil Protection

Former CPD manager files judicial protest over transfer to Detention Centre after 13 years at Civil Protection.

John Gera, former manager at the Civil Protection Department, filed a judicial protest against the home affairs minister, his permanent secretary and the ministry's chief of staff, demanding that he be reinstated to his office.

For the past 13 years, Gera managed the Civil Protection Department. However, an email received on 9 April stated that he had been transferred to the Hal Far Detention Centre. No official letter was issued over the transfer.

In his judicial protest, the former manager argued there was no need or any reason for his transfer. Gera argued that his transfer had led to a loss in motivation as at the Detention Centre, saying there was no use of the skills and experience that he had acquired over the past 13 years.

Gera also said that he had incurred financial damages as the new post did not carry the perks and benefits he had as CPD manager.

In his short email, permanent secretary Kevin Mahoney had informed Gera that his transfer was issued due to the needs of service.

However, the former manager insisted that his new post did not demand the attributes of his role at the CPD. He added that he had always carried out his duties diligently and that he was considered an asset to the CPD.

Gera also said that during an attempt he made to be returned to his CPD posting, he had been made aware of comments passed by the home affairs ministry's chief of staff Silvio Scerri, who allegedly pointed out that  Gera's personal file contained information that rendered him unsuitable for his CPD post. Gera asked that he be given access to his personal file but his request was not approved.

In the judicial protest, John Gera, now 53, asked to be returned to his former post immediately and have his request to view his personal file approved.

He also demanded that the permanent secretary explain the 'needs of service' thater merited his transfer, and that the court orders Silvio Scerri to withdraw his allegations on Gera.

Dr Andrew Borg Cardona signed the judicial protest.

Dan Andrew Borg Cardona jahseb li hu xi Alla!! Meta ser tnehhuh Minn avukat ta l Airmalta? Qazzez lill kullhadd, kemm haddiema Laburisti u kemm nazzjonalisti, kullhadd vuci wahda, ehilsuna minnu, bniedem kiesah u b rasu kbira. Anke bil hdura li jikteb fuq it times dardar lill kullhadd qabel l elezzjoni u ghadu idardar, ma tghallem xejn. Imbghad jigi il buzu u jghidilna li tghidx kemm inbidlu. Hallina!!
These people believe that they have a God given right to continue with their perks and political appointments. The people of these Islands are fed up with such people who have been reaping benefits over the last 25 years at the detriment of many others who are more deserving. Now they are using their Courts, yes, THEIR COURTS, to try and force the Government to maintain them in their post and in their wealth. Just seeing the lawyers they employ to do this is enough.