Man's disappearance might be linked to farm theft
Nenu Pace, reported missing on Wednesday might have sought justice following theft from his farm in Qrendi.
The police said that the disappearance of a 63-year-old man from Qrendi, who was reported missing on Wednesday, might be linked with a theft from the man's farm.
Reportedly, Nenu Pace was attempting to seek justice after his farm was ransacked, however there was no confirmation of this.
Tools worth several thousand euros were stolen from the farm in Qrendi and although some persons were questioned by the police, the investigations have not been concluded.
The man was last seen on Wednesday afternoon in his field in Qrendi where he was wearing a grey shorts and a yellow and black shirt. The man is of a slight build and is 5"5 tall.
Anyone having any information was asked to phone in confidence on telephone 119.

What has been happening to Malta is 25 years of one corrupt Government after the other under the PN bringing in the mentality in the Maltese especially youths that so long as you belong to the Party you can do whatever you like for you can "be good and perhaps slightly less good" even if you attempt to kill the Prime Minister's secretary. A mentality that frame ups and improvised explosive devices planted here and there were used to threaten all those that opposed them or stood in their path, or used to blame the events on the other Party who was naive enough not to realize this. But after 25 years the people have started to realize what was happening, and with the new leader of the PL, now elected Prime Minister, the People were made well aware of the extent of the corruption, bribery, drugs of abuse, tax evasion and manipulation of VAT, distribution of public land to select blue-eyed boys, and a host of other abuses that were being orchestrated under the previous Government. This mentality cannot but bring in murder and nothing is important.

I am not sure what is happening to Malta!
Growing up we never heard about murders/ missing people and now it seems every time I catch up on what is happening in my beloved home country ...all I see is bad news, murder, violence and corruption!
Makes me so sad.