Police inspector in wrongful prosecution was investigated over 2007 arson

Elton Taliana was the subject of internal police investigations over allegations of links to criminality

Police inspector Elton Taliana
Police inspector Elton Taliana

A police inspector at the heart of the mistaken arraignment of Daryl Luke Borg on a hold-up is now facing internal scrutiny by the police force over allegations that he may have contacted Borg prior to his testimony in a police inquiry.

The police board launched an inquiry last week into Borg's wrongful prosecution, which led to him spending two days in detention at the Mount Carmel forensic unit.

MaltaToday is informed that the police are investigating allegations that Taliana, who arraigned Borg together with three other police inspectors, may have talked to him before Borg gave his testimony to the police board.

Information received by this newspaper has confirmed that Taliana was previously investigated by the former Police Commissioner, John Rizzo, in connection with the arson attack on MaltaToday editor Saviour Balzan's residence in 2007. On other occasions he was investigated over his alleged association with criminals.

Documents seen by MaltaToday have confirmed that these investigations took place.

Taliana has now sued MaltaToday for libel, claiming the article appearing in MaltaToday Midweek's front page was defamatory and damaged his reputation, and that he was never spoken to by his superiors over any arson attacks. Lawyer Joe Zammit Maempel signed the libel suit. MaltaToday did not state that Taliana was interrogated by police investigators.

Police inspector Elton Taliana was one of four police inspectors who remanded Borg, 27, in custody and charged him with a hold-up inside a Birkirkara store on 8 August.

The other inspectors were Keith Arnaud, Joseph Mercieca and Carlos Cordina. A day later, the police arraigned Roderick Grech, 22, of Birkirkara, who pleaded guilty to the crime and was condemned to a 12-month jail term (suspended for four years) and placed under a supervisory order.

The police cock-up led Opposition Home Affairs spokesman Jason Azzopardi to call for resignations and for political responsibility to be assumed. Later Azzopardi revealed that Borg had met Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia's Chief of Staff, Silvio Scerri, together with his mother and an associate - none other than Charles 'Zambi' Attard, who had been convicted in 1994 on charges of the attempted assassination of Richard Cachia Caruana, the prime minister's personal assistant.

The government has claimed that Scerri was unaware of who Attard was, that he met Borg because the minister was not in Malta and that there had been a request for the meeting.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has stood by Scerri, stating that the home affairs ministry was 'duty-bound' to listen to what the victim of the mistaken arraignment had to say.

News that Inspector Taliana may have been in contact with Daryl Luke Borg before his deposition to the police board set off alarms at the police HQ, a source told MaltaToday.

Elton Taliana entered the police force on 24 March 2000 and was subsequently detailed with Tonio Borg, the then-home affairs and justice minister, on 2 December 2002 as a security officer. He was promoted to sergeant in 2004 and inspector in 2008, even though he was investigated on different occasions and on separate allegations. On his personal LinkedIn profile, Taliana states that he is detailed at the Malta Information Technology Agency.


Jason Azzopardi issa li ma ghadx ghandu c-cirklu ta nies jigru qablu jarmaw id-dawl u l-speakers u microphones (mhallsin mill-poplu) bhal meta kien ministru u seg. parlementari, biex ikun jista joqghod ibella lil poplu ir-ross bil-labra, issa qed jinqeda b'xi press conference, forsi jidher ftit u jtella l-points. Ic-cirklu tan-nazzjonalisti spicca pero l-buffi ghahom bl-istess zebgha ma wicchom u mhux talli telqu izda ghadhom jizzufjettaw f'wicc il-poplu Malti. Jason Azzopardi miskin nesa jghid li din il-froga hija mimlija b'ingredjenti skaduti akkwistati fi zmienhu. Minn dahhlu puluzija, security officer, surgent u spettur. Sparixxi Jason ghax int wiehed minn dawk li farrakt pajjiz u partit.
I think you have tohe story wrong. Mr Taliana did not arraign wrongfully Mr Borg but rather he arraigned the guilty guy who admitted his guilt and thus exposed that Mr Borg was innocent.
Luke Camilleri
THE PLOT THICKENS ! Anybody seen Jason ........ JASON AZZOPARDI ?
Dan l-artiklu qisu jrid jitfa hafna hmieg minghajr ebda provi....Imbilli kien gie interrogat ma jfisser xejn. Fejnha l-idea ta bniedem meqjus innocenti sakemm ikun emm provi ta kontra dan? Hemm hafna affarijiet jintnu fuqha dil-bicca tax-xol, kulhadd jipprova jwahhal f'haddiehor mentri l-miskin Borg ta x-xhieda tieghu favur l-imsemmi Spettur u zewg gazzetti jattakkaw lill-Ispettur u tnejn ohra jfahhruh. Hawduni ha nifhem. Fejn konna qieghdin tajjeb sa 6 xhur ilu issa qedin ferm ahjar ikolli nghid....
F'dan l-artiklu, l-artikolista huwa totalment zbaljat meta jsemmi: ...Police inspector Elton Taliana was one of four police inspectors who remanded Borg, 27, in custody and charged him with a hold-up inside a Birkirkara store on 8 August. The other inspectors were Keith Arnaud, Joseph Mercieca and Carlos Cordina.... Ghax safejn naf jien, l-ispetturi li ressqu l-Qorti lil Mr.Borg kienu t-tnejn imsemmija fl-ahhar u mhux dawn l-erbgha...facli titfa t-tajn imbghad tinheba wara l-isem 'staff reporter' hux!!!
Most of the members of the police force are not fit for the job. Corruption and mismanagement of the police force started under Mintoff and refined under the PN. It will continue like this under the PL. Former PM Alfred Sant would have sorted the police force out had he completed his full term in office.
It shows that all this latest hulabaloo is an orchestrated attempt by SimonPN to draw their supporters attention away from their own problems, like the 8-13 million euro debt.
Priscilla Darmenia
Where are we going to end up if the police, and top officials for that matter, are not trust worthy? Do we need a good cleanup in our police force?
Jekk din l-ahbar hi vera se jaghmel Jason Azzopardi: hemm cans ta press conference ohra jew?
Jason Azzopardi should make better use of his time to investigate the recruits in the Police Corps who were appointed under his Government / Party and who have shot up to Inspector or higher positions, thn to make allegations of impropriety without any foundations other than crude political mileage. Many people were enlisted into the Police Corps during the previous administration who would never have been admitted into any other Force in Europe.