Police Commissioner taking steps to suspend Taliana

Commissioner for Police Peter Paul Zammit seeking legal advice as to whether criminal action should be taken.

Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit
Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit

Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit is seeking legal advice as to whether criminal action against Police Inspector Elton Taliana should be taken.

In the police investigation which lead to a man wrongly charged with a hold-up he didn't commit, while a second one pleaded guilty to the crime, the Police Board said Taliana was at fault for failing to immediately speak up when he found out who the real culprit was.

In his testimony to the Police Board, Elton Taliana said he hadn't informed the police since according to the law, "I had to inform the duty magistrate". He did so on the day of the arraignment.

In a statement, the police said disciplinary or criminal action will be taken as recommended by the Police Board. The Police Commissioner was in the process of seeking the Attorney General's advice as to whether criminal action should be taken as well.

The case will be taken before the Permanent Disciplinary Board within the Ministry for Home Affairs.

"This shortcoming is being considered as a grievous one which could also lead to the dismissal of an official from the Police Corps," the Police Corps said in a statement.

It also said said the Police Commissioner had the power to suspend the official from his duties as soon as he was notified of the charges.

Messu jirrizenja hu mela jiehu passi kontra l-Ispettur Taliana. U fuq kollox dan avza lill-magistrat 50 minuta biss WARA li gab stqarrija minand il-hati. Isthi Police Commissioner Lejber CLUB Zammit!!
Dan l-ispettur taliana ried jghamel xi haga biex minghalih jidher ikrah il PL. Imma spicca kollox f`wiccu. Issa l-ahjar haga li jghamel hu li jmur jahdem BLA HLAS FL_ISTAMPERIJA FALLUTA TAL PN. Dan mhux postu fil PULIZIJA. U kif fuq il gazzetti tal PN ma jsemmu xejn fuq dan Taliana? Dan qdiehom sew biex qedin JATTULU. NADDAF IL KORP TAL PULIZIJA SUR KUMMISSARJU, dawn it TIP TA NIES MHUX POSTHOM FIL KORP.
Sur Kummissarju fittex tajru minn hemm, u niġbidlek l'attenzjoni biex tiżgura li l-pulizija jkunu preżenti fl'għasses u mhux jixorbu f'xi bar waqt il-ħin tax-xogħol! Speċjlament fil-week-ends u fin-naħa t'isfel ta' Malta!
Dismissal for this?? If there should be a dismissal it should be to the inspector who arraigned the wrong suspect. Why this witchhunt against Taliana if I may ask?
Priscilla Darmenia
"In his testimony to the Police Board, Elton Taliana said he hadn't informed the police since according to the law, "I had to inform the duty magistrate"." - But common sense tells me that if my colleague is commiting a mistake, I should tell him and not let him make a fool of himself and of the police corp.
Paul Pandolfino
Kollox mahdum biccilla. Issa jmiss investigazzjoni dwar l-agir ta' Silvio Scerri u Iz-Zambi.
What steps where taken against the policeman that wrongly arrested and prosecuted against Anthony Mifsud in the 80s? Will the compensation take as long to be forthcoming?
Jidher li dan li spettur naqas sewwa.I think the best thing to do is to suspend this officer from his duties
Din il-persuna mhix postha fil-korp tal-pulizija ghax tilfet kull fiducja, u ghandha thallas ta' ghemilha!
Joseph Pace
Speaking of this however, did CID co-operate with District Police in the arraignment? Did they watch the CCTV recordings mentioned? Did they know about them or based their arraignment only on the informer's tip off? Did they communicate directly with Taliana when prosecuting the suspect they had?