Appeal filed after charge sheet bears wrong date

Lawyers file appeal after date on charge sheet was found to be incorrect.

A 21-year-old man who was jailed for three years and fined €1,000 for possession of 57 ecstasy pills has filed an appeal after the charge sheet was found to hold the wrong date.

Falzon, who had initially been assisted by a legal aid, had admitted to the charges brought against him. The alleged drug trafficking occurred during a party in Corradino on September 8-9.

However, the date marked on the charge sheet referred to August.

Falzon's new lawyers, Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri, argued that he could not be found guilty of trafficking in August when the incident happened a month later.

The lawyers also appealed the punishment claiming it was excessive.

During his arraignment, Falzon told investigators he got the drugs from an Italian national whom he met in Paceville. He believed he could sell the pills at €10 each.

During the Corradino party held at the old prison themed 'Life and Death presents the Prison Gathering', the police had arrested 16 youths in connection to the drug find.

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