Mistake on charge sheet leads to bail for suspected ecstasy dealer

Court grants bail as charge sheet has wrong date

A court of appeal granted bail to a youth who pleaded guilty to drug possession after lawyers challenge date on charge sheet.

Andre Falzon, 21 of San Gwann, was granted bail by an Appeals' Court, after having been convicted to three years' imprisonment and fined €1,000 for the possession of 57 ecstasy pills. 

The youth was arrested during a party at the old prison grounds in Corradino earlier in September. He was arraigned in court and after consulting with his legal aid lawyer, he admitted to the charges. He was jailed for three years and fined €1,000.

However, lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri, noted that the charge sheet read that the case happened on 9 August, when Falzon had been arrested on 9 September. An appeal was filed and the new defence lawyers argued that the youth had committed no crime on the date shown on the charge sheet.

The Appeals' Court granted Falzon bail against a deposit of €1,000 and a personal guarantee of €3,000.

The prosecution did not object to bail.