Gonzi asked MaltaToday editor not to publish election survey

Former PM’s personal assistant personally asked Saviour Balzan to publish story on Greens’ leader’s VAT problems

Lawrence Gonzi and Edgar Galea Curmi (right)
Lawrence Gonzi and Edgar Galea Curmi (right)

Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan yesterday told a court that former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi had asked him personally not to publish election surveys in MaltaToday, and that his personal assistant Edgar Galea Curmi had tried to convince him to leak a story about people's health issues in this newspaper.

Balzan was testifying in a libel suit filed by Galea Curmi over a newspaper report and an opinion piece by Balzan, on the way former Nationalist councillor Cyrus Engerer's father was arrested on possession of cannabis shortly after Engerer left the PN.

"Our working relationship went from good to disgusting," Balzan said of Galea Curmi. "But as journalists, it's accepted that one retains a working connection with the personal assistant of the PM."

Balzan said that his relationship with Galea Curmi improved shortly after the departure of Alan Camilleri, the prime minister's spokesperson, and at one point was also invited to the prime minister's summer residence in Girgenti.

Prior to the 2008 elections, Balzan and Mediatoday managing director Roger Degiorgio, co-owners of Mediatoday, were invited to meet Gonzi at Castille. But there, Gonzi asked Balzan to stop publishing election surveys "because they will cost PN re-election", Balzan said in court. "Gonzi asked me not to publish surveys showing the PN's slight majority, because it might send the message to angry Nationalist voters not to come out to vote. He said it would be on my conscience if Labour wins."

He then added that in July 2011, just days after Nationalist councillor Cyrus Engerer switched to Labour, his father was arrested on cannabis possession. "I was not aware of the friendship Galea Curmi actually had with the Engerers, so when I got to know that he had spoken with the commissioner of police, it made me wonder," Balzan said, referring to claims by John Rizzo during a press conference in which he disclosed Galea Curmi's involvement in this case.

Balzan also said that in 2008, Galea Curmi had leaked him a story about Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Harry Vassallo's pending VAT payments, a case which later resulted in Vassallo's arrest on the eve of the election. "A court decision to enforce the payments of these VAT obligations had actually been taken in 2006, but the police decided to enforce the court's decision on the eve of the elections. This was typical PN pre-election panic over the threat of AD in the elections," Balzan said. "And I was aware of these tactics having been an AD member for nine years."

Balzan said that in February 2008, Galea Curmi called at Balzan's residence in Naxxar, to inform him of the Vassallo story. "I did not invite Galea Curmi over as a friend. I have few friends, and the ones I have I choose well. Vassallo is a friend. Had he any sense, Galea Curmi would have never come to me with this story."

Balzan said that Vassallo was "an honest, yet perhaps negligent" man, and that he had refused to publish the story, which ended up on the personal blog of Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia, The Times, and in PN organ In-Nazzjon.

Balzan added that another leak from Galea Curmi were the medical documents belonging to Jo Said, an election heckler who canvassed PN meetings and criticised the Nationalist administration openly. Balzan said a government messenger had been despatched with the documents, which he had refused to publish.

Cross-examined by lawyer Joe Zammit Maempel on the Engerer case, Saviour Balzan said that he was aware of Galea Curmi's communication with the former Commissioner of Police because it had been reported in other media, and Rizzo himself had held a press conference on the case. In a sudden loss of temper, Zammit Maempel said the court had to find out who was lying: "It's either your or Galea Curmi, and we have to find out who. I will ask the court to run DNA tests on the documents Galea Curmi passed on to you... we'll run fingerprint tests and DNA tests will show my client never touched those papers."

Balzan replied that he would not accept to be insulted in court. "I will exhibit these documents in another court sitting. Galea Curmi had an army of staff to handle the documents. He knew better than to forward the documents himself."

Gonzi must have forgotten that Malta Today isn't in the PN's stable of tame "Independent" publications. Some editors, thankfully, don't jump to the PN's whip but try to maintain journalistic integrity and independence. MT is the paper that does credible investigative reporting and thank heavens for that.
This illustrates the manner of GonziPN's democratic principles when he governed over us for all those years! Image the extent of treachery everywhere. But the most significant was in the way promotions and appointments were made. Pity that Labour has shut both eyes over these promotions.
Priscilla Darmenia
Reading comments by the PN apologists on other media, I conclude that these people hear and read only Net News; In-Nazzjon and the Times. – Details like these witness statements in court show the true Machiavelli nature of the PN. – Unfortunately Simon Busuttil and his present lot are still the same clique that was around GonziPN, bil-hmieg u d-difetti kollha. It will take some years before the PN will cleanse itself of such people.
Niskanta kif rapporti bhall dawn ma jidrux fuq it- T.O.M. Issa mohhom okupat bill mara tal ministru Konrad Mizzi.
"I will ask the court to run DNA tests on the documents" Someone has been watching too much CSI on TV.
I want to forget the GonziPN era complete with their associated sidekicks pronto, and wish Malta to move on to a better future. Salv, get these demons out of our hair as fast as possible and once and for all.
well done savior keep it up because it is because of people like you that the man in the street is informed of whats realy goes on.
This report shows plainly the root of the nature of Gonzi....working in a Macchiavelli way aided by Lou, Daphne,il-Bocca, tas-suttana, peppi, and the rest of the klikka. However, lucky for Malta, he was simply incompetent in most spheres, including dark age politics. Add a sprinkle of plain arrogance to the Gonzi PN soup and there you have it...a bunkrupt Partit Nazzjonalista in material and spirit.
Then comes Azzopardi Jason 'King'!!!! telling us that the Army was taken over by the PL! Who over the Police Force when Engerer's father was arrested as soon as Engener junior fell out from GonziPN? Baqalhom ghatx kbir tal-klikka! Hypocrisy rules ok for the remnants of GonziPN!