Jury suspended to await court’s decision on rights’ claim
Defence says trial by jury cannot take place until constitutional and European cases are heard
The trial by jury of Martin Dimech, who stands charged with drug trafficking, was put on hold on the same day it was supposed to start, pending a decision to see if a previous court decision breached the accused's fundamental rights.
On 30 August, Dimech's defence lawyers filed a court application at the Criminal Court asking that the jury is put on hold due to two other pending cases. A Constitutional Case over the right to a lawyer at interrogation stage was still pending, together with a case filed in the European Court of Human Rights over the AG's discretion to send the case for a trial by jury or not. Mr Justice Lawrence Quintano had thrown out the request.
A Ccnstitutional plea was subsequently filed, challenging the decision of Judge Quintano, however Mr Justice Anthony Ellul decreed that the decision was the prerogative of the Criminal Court.
Yesterday, the defence filed a second application at the Criminal Court asking to stop proceedings, to decide whether the previous decision by the same court not to stop the jury constituted a breach of human rights.
Mr Justice Lawrence Quintano upheld the request and suspended the trial by jury pending the decision.
Lawyers Franco Debono, Veronique Dalli, Joseph Gatt and David Camilleri are appearing for the accused.