Arrest warrant for man who endangered flight with laser beam

Court issues arrest warrant after accused does not attend sitting.

A magistrate ordered the arrest of a man accused of shining a laser beam towards an airplane's cockpit on its approach to Malta, after he failed to turn up for his sitting.

David Camilleri, of Rabat, is charged with shining the beam inside the cockpit of an airplane on its approach on the night of 16 June, 2013, at around 9:30pm. The Air Malta airplane was flying over Mosta at a low altitude as it was set to approach MIA, when Camilleri allegedly shone the beam at its direction, startling the pilots.

Prosecuting inspector Martin Sammut informed the court that he had personally delivered the summons to the accused. Camilleri explained to the inspector that he did not have a lawyer. Furthermore the accused told the inspector that due to his night job, "he might arrive at court a little late."

Magistrate Carol Peralta issued an arrest warrant for the accused, saying that Camilleri had to be arrested the night prior to the sitting, and kept at the lock-up and arraigned in court under police escort.

In fact, the beam was so powerful that the pilot has been reporting sick ever since. ROLF.