Motorist jailed over road rage

Man jailed for punching a woman, after she used her horn when his reckless driving almost caused an accident.

Joseph Cutajar, 38, of Tarxien, was jailed for one month after being found guilty of injuring another motorist in an outburst of road rage.

The incident happened on 9 July 2013, close to the Mater Dei intersection on the Birkirkara bypass.

Cutajar entered onto the bypass without observing the 'stop' sign next to Klikk computer shop. Annamaria Vella was driving toward the University of Malta and approaching the intersection, but the accused did not give way and only stopped after Vella repeatedly honked her horn. Enraged by the honking the motorist pursued Vella, overtook her and stopped his car in front of her vehicle, forcing her to stop. The accused exited his car and punched Vella through her open window.

Prosecuting inspector Maria Stella Attard charged Cutajar with dangerous and reckless driving, threatening and assaulting Vella and causing her slight injuries.

The accused chose not to testify in his case, however Magistrate Francesco Depasquale held the prosecution had produced enough evidence to sustain the charges. Cutajar was jailed for a term of one month.

Kemm int vojt joseph007. Qatt m'hu gustifikat li tigri wara xi hadd bil-karozza u ttieh daqqa ta ponn. Dak ghamel hekk ghax kiesah u dardira. J'alla darb'ohra jsieb kappell jigieh!!
min jaf min ghat irid jihu lar pinna min ha xar habbs jew min ha gurament falz .. ghax huma biss jaf ezat gara min ra xahaga miskom mortu tixdu mux parlaw ghax anka gesu kristu ha lar pinna ghax salbuh bla htija.....
The trouble is that MANY motorists don't even know what they are supposed to do at a STOP sign.
What a bully and an ***hole!!! He should have had his license taken away from him as well. I hope the lady sues him personally for compensation...