Former PN secretary-general confirms meeting with superyachts bidder

Paul Borg Olivier tells court he met Beppe Hili at the PN headquarters before allegations were made that he was aware of any allegations of corruption.

Paul Borg Olivier
Paul Borg Olivier

The former secretary-general of the Nationalist Party Paul Borg Olivier told a court of law today that a meeting he had held with entrepreneur Beppe Hili had not dealt with any allegations of corruption taking place in the privatization of the Malta Superyachts facility.

The allegations were raised in the media months after the meeting had taken place, Borg Olivier told the court.

The witness was giving evidence in the criminal charges against Mario Mizzi, the former chief executive of the Malta Investment Management Company Ltd (Mimcol), accused of having asked Sue Hall, a privatization expert engaged by Mimcol to "downgrade" a tenderer's scores to below the 50% required to stay in the bidding process.

Hili was part of a consortium tendering for the privatisation of the superyachts facility, which is today owned by Neapolitan shipyard firm Palumbo.

Borg Olivier told a court that he felt the aim behind Hili's request for the meeting, which was held at the PN headquarters, was for him to push forward his own bid.

"I was determined not to give in to any pressure... I had to ensure the process was a transparent one. Since I had heard some derogatory remarks from Hili himself, I kept tabs on the process," Borg Olivier said.

Borg Olivier explained that subsequently to the claims being aired in the press, he had demanded a meeting with the then Commissioner of Police, John Rizzo. Borg Olivier said he felt the need to explain issues behind the allegations.

But a Labour news item featuring footage of Borg Olivier walking into the police headquarters, on 27 May 2010, made him feel that allegations of impropriety were being made in his regard.

Cross-examined by defence lawyer Joseph Giglio, Borg Olivier confirmed that an officer at the Office of the Prime Minister had asked him whether he had discussed any allegations of corruption with third parties. He however also said that he had then clarified that the meeting with Beppe Hili did not include any claims of corruption.

Legal maritime expert Anne Fenech also took the witness stand explaining her role as legal advisor of the Privatisation Unit during the privatisation process of the superyacht facility. Fenech only handled legal issues and was not involved in the short-listing process of the project.

@camillu. Kemm hsibtna boloh. Malta zghira u n-nies maghrufa!! U nieqaf hemm ghax int zbaljat.
gborgos, dejjem bl-istess paroli. Xi dwejjaq ta' bnidem fik. The truth is that we now know why Beppe Hili started going to the Labour Headquarters in Hamrun and befriended Joseph Muscat and his bella kumpannija! Yes, that happened after Paul Borg Olivier did not give in to pressure to push forward Hili's bid.
Can anyone tells when there was a call for application and how dr ann fenech was chosen? I am sure from the wah dr Busutill talks that the PN never ever engaged a ny expert without a call for application.
Mark Fenech
Mela sitt ħabbiet ħaditilhom Dr. Anne Fenech meta kienet legal advisor of the Privatisation Unit. Naħseb kienu ħarġu tender biex saret hi legal advisor. Ara min irid jipponta subajgħ ukoll.
Hadd mill-klikka ma jaf xejn u m'ghamel xejn hazin huwx Pawl? Huwx Anne?