Court postpones oil kickbacks sitting after accused is hospitalized

Court postpones sitting of the case against former Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone after the accused is recovered in hospital suffering from chest pains.

Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit postponed today's sitting in the compilation of evidence on corruption charges against former Enemalta chairman Tancred Tabone, after his lawyer informed the court that he had been hospitalized at Mater Dei Hospital.

Prosecuting officer Jonathan Ferris said that defence lawyer Gianella de Marco had presented him with a referral note.

Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit postponed the sitting for 5 December, however ordered that the defence lawyer file a medical certificate justifying Tabone's absence. "A referral note with yesterday's date is no justification and a medical certificate needs to be exhibited in court within 5 days of today," the court ordered.

The referral note exhibited by the defence claimed Tabone was yesterday night recovered at Mater Dei Hospital suffering of chest pain.

Together with petrochemist Frank Sammut, formerly Tabone's consultant at Enemalta as well as one of the silent partners in private firm Island Bunkering Oils Ltd, Tabone faces charges of bribery and money laundering in connection with kickbacks received on Enemalta oil purchases.

Court should still continue in absence of one of the charged men. This seems to be a tactic to make delays in the hope of smothering the case. Did the court appoint a doctor to have, said plaintiff checked out?
Luke Camilleri
Issa bic "Chest Pains"? Nemmnuh? Difficli biex temmen il-xi had li l-kredibilita teighu saret ZERO! Kemm ha ndumu dejjem bid-diferimenti , mhux hu li gab fuqu bli ghamel ? Dak iz-zmien ma kienx ikollhu "chest pains"!