Norman Vella case | Police did its ‘duty according to law’

Items confiscated by the Police remained sealed and deposited in court.

The Police Corps defended the course of investigations into allegations that Norman Vella may have breached security protocol at the Malta International Airport.

Yesterday the court ordered that the police should return a mobile phone and iPad seized from Vella, after finding no reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed when he was reported of allegedly photographing two government officials inside the Malta airport.

The confiscated items had however been sealed and handed over to the courts as evidence.

The Opposition's spokesperson for home affairs Jason Azzopardi accused the Police Commissioner of being "a partisan tool in government's hands".

According to Azzopardi, the police investigation had not been conducted properly and there had been abuse of power.

But in a reaction, the Police said it had carried out its duty according to the law. "The Police's duty is to uncover and investigate crimes and conserve evidence deemed relevant to the case," the Police's communications office said.

It explained that every investigation starts off from a suspicion which could - or could not - lead to the arraignment of a person.

"In this case no one had yet been arraigned and the Police exhibited the sealed mobile and tablet according to legal procedures and the authority of the court," the CMRU said.

In fact, it added, the Police could not return Vella's items as these were kept in the Court's exhibition chamber out of the Police's control and possession.

Xifajk, qas taf x'int tghid! Il-qorti rat li ssir il-gustizzja. Issa jekk il-puluzija ghagixxew b'dal-mod ax ircevew rapport li jidher totalment falz (ax ekk iddikjarat il-qorti) kieku minnek ninkwieta ax mur ara x'kapaci jamlu lilek jew lili la, skont il-Labour Commissioner, aw sorry ridt nghid il-Police Commissioner, Silvio Scerri, Ramona Attard u Kurt Farrugia dan ma kienx attakk politiku izda kien emm suspetti biss....
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista dejjem jaqbez ghan nies tieghu specjalment dawk li jaghmlu min kollox biex jarawh fil Gvern. Kontra dawk ta Malta taghna ikoll. Dawn qedin jaqdu lin-Nazzjonalisti ghaliex jafu fil ftit xhur li ilhom hemm, ma ghamlux bhal ma ghamel Fenech Adami fin 1987, tajjeb imam mhux blu allura jintrema u warajh ghamel hekk Gonzi.