Farmer ordered to pay for animal feed he bought in 1969
Civil Court concludes case filed in 1970, ordering a man to pay €24,930 for purchases he did in 1969.
Zakkarija Calleja, who back in 1969 had purchased €24,930.49 worth of fodder, was ordered to pay for the animal feed, albeit 44 years later.
The First Hall of the Civil Court heard how in 1969 Calleja had purchased fodder from Joseph Gatt Ltd, worth £12,169. The fodder was delivered to the buyer, however the consignment although accepted by the buyer was not paid for. Calleja argued that the quality of the fodder, particularly the level of concentrate was not of high quality. He also blamed the fodder for the death of a number of animals on his farm.
A year later in 1970, Ignazio Gatt on behalf of Joseph Gatt Ltd filed against Calleja.
The court held the case was delayed due to a number of reasons. One of the parties changed his legal counsel but did not pay his previous lawyer. In court, experts disagreed about the quality of the fodder. However the court concluded the fodder was not the reason why the animals perished.
The Civil Court presided by Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco ordered Calleja to pay €24,930.49 to Gatt.