Italian arrested on suspicion of fraud and money laundering

Accused denied return to hometown Sicily during investigations

Giovanni Calcaterra, 41, was arrested for his suspected part in the promotion and organisation of financed criminal acts including fraud, the falsification of documents and money laundering.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the claims.

Prosecution inspector Ian Joseph Abdilla explained that for the past months and years Calcaterra was part of criminal acts in Malta and in other countries, both on a personal level and as an official of the company 'Pepe Import Export Co.Ltd'. 

Abdilla said that due to the "grievousness of the acts" the accused had no grounds to be able to leave the country whilst the investigation was still being carried out. 

Meanwhile the defence council argued that due to the fact that the investigation had only just begun and because Calcaterra's hometown of Ragusa was only two and a half hours away, the accused should be allowed to return to Sicily.

His lawyer said that the court was in possession of the accused's home address, meaning there was very little Calcaterra could do if allowed to go back to his country.

It was argued that his client should not be denied what his lawyer described as a 'basic right' simply on the grounds of his nationality but the court denied this request.