Judicial protest over development close to Ta' Hagrat temples
Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar files a judicial protest against the approval of a development site close to Ta’ Hagrat Temples at Mgarr and calls for the expropriation of the land.
Environmental NGO Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar this morning filed a judicial protest against the approval of a development site close to Ta' Hagrat Temples at Mgarr.
On 6 September 2013, MEPA approved an application 'to remove existing structure and construct dwelling' in Triq San Pietru, Mgarr. However a number of residents objected to the construction of two-storey residences.
FAA also argued that the site was very close to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ta' Hagrat Temples.
In its 'policy concerning areas and sites of archaeological importance', MEPA established a minimum buffer zone of at least 100m around the periphery of the site in which no development is allowed. The approved permit allows for the removal of a single room used a garage to make way for the development of a structure 10 times its size.
The NGO said that when an application was filed for the development of land adjacent to the area where MEPA approved development in, the Superintendent for Cultural Heritage had expropriated the land in a bid to protect the conservation of Ta' Hagrat Temples.
In its judicial protest, Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar, urged the Superintendent for Cultural Heritage to apply the same measure and expropriate the land MEPA had now approved for development.
Lawyer Michael Sciriha and legal procurator Jean Pierre Busuttil signed the judicial protest.