Eyewitness describes his shock at seeing Galea assault Mario Camilleri
Eyewitness Emanuel Farrugia drove Mario Camilleri jnr to the scene of his death.
An eyewitness who accompanied Mario Camilleri jnr to the Birzebbugia field where he was murdered told a court he fled from the scene of the crime the second he saw the young man being brutally assaulted by his uncle Jason Galea, and his half-brother George Galea.
The two men are facing charges of murdering Mario Camilleri and his father Mario, back in August 2013. Jason Galea is also facing charges, along with Ronald Urry, of murdering another man, Matthew Zahra, whose remains were found buried in the same field.
"I entered the field and what I saw shocked me. I turned and ran out as fast as I could. I was never so scared in all my life," Emanuel Farrugia - known as 'l-iskrun' - told the court.
Farrugia is said to have accompanied Camilleri to the field where, just a few minutes before his arrival, the dead body of his father was being taken to be buried in a grave. Camilleri snr was shot twice in the head while waiting in Galea's car in Marsaxlokk.
Farrugia was arrested the day after by police, and admitted having accompanied Jason Galea to his father's residence so that he takes a shower, after the murder took place.
Farrugia said he had worked for Jason Galea during the summer of 2012 at the derelict Sant Antnin Hotel in St Paul's Bay. He said he was owed €800 by Galea in unpaid wages, which were eventually paid by Mario Camilleri 'l-Imniehru' when he was accompanied to the latter's house by Jason Galea.
Farrugia said that days before the murder, he drove Galea to Camilleri's house, and from inside the car Galea spoke to Camilleri about a stash of drugs and money. "I told him I did not want to get involved in such dealings, and he told me it did not concern me and I should simply shut up and drive," Farrugia said.
"I knew Mario from our younger days. We were neighbours in Valletta but then he left the city to live in St Andrew's. I only knew his son vaguely. I knew Mario's wife Mona Camilleri," Farrugia said.
On the morning of 17 August, Jason Galea called Farrugia over some errands. The two met at Birzebbugia and went for coffee at the village's Labour Party club. "We drove there in a rented grey van. After the coffee we went to an alley, leading to fields by the gas facility at Qajjenza. While I waited in the van, Jason went to speak to a person, whom I do not know."
Galea dropped Farrugia off at Bugibba square at around 11am, and then instructed him to drive him to Jessie's Bar, in St Andrew's, and wait for him there. "He gave me some money to buy myself lunch as I told him I only had €3 with me. Half an hour later I arrived at the bar and ordered a ftira and water, then waited for Jason next to the traffic lights. When he eventually turned up he told me to stay on the look-out so that when he drives past I go pick up the son of Mario 'l-Imniehru' from the Camilleris' residence. He had to give me directions to get to their house."
But Farrugia said he failed to see Galea drive past, prompting the latter to call him with instructions. "When I arrived at their house, I found Mario jnr outside, who started swearing at me because I left him waiting. He knew we had to go to Marsaxlokk, or Birzebbugia, and told me that once I drop him off I should leave."
Farrugia described Camilleri jnr as being impatient about arriving there, urging him to drive faster to their meeting point. When they arrived in Marsaxlokk's main square, Farrugia called Jason Galea for further instructions, and the accused told him to meet him outside the same alley where they had met earlier. "When we got there, Jason came out to meet Mario jnr and the two walked off towards the fields. But I stayed by the car waiting," the witness said.
Farrugia said that while waiting, two construction workers nearby asked him to restart their crane and that he spent some time chatting with the men. Upon returning to the field, Farrugia said he was "shocked" at what he saw.
"I walked into the field and I was shocked. Jason Galea, George Galea and Mario jnr were fighting on the ground. Jason was behind the kid, while George was in front of him. They were assaulting him, and I could only see the top of the kid's head from where I was. I never expected to witness that scene. I was scared out of my wits and simply ran out of the alley again. As I ran I heard two distant shots but I cannot vouch from where they came as the area is all field," Farrugia said, stuttering with emotion.
At this point of his testimony, Jason Galea sniggered from the dock, commenting that he was lying. Even George Galea was heard passing inaudible remarks about the witness. The court told the accused not to interrupt the witness.
After hearing the gunshots, the witness left the scene and rushed to his Valletta residence where he says he passed out on his bed. At around 4:30pm he woke up and went to his car to refill its radiator. At that point, Jason Galea and George Galea approached him. "I broke down crying asking him why they had treated the kid in that way and what they had done to him. He told me that the Camilleri's were both done for and were already buried. He also warned me about talking to the police if and when they arrest me for questioning."
George Galea drove off while Jason Galea asked the witness to take him to his father to shower. "He was wearing dirty clothes. I don't recall what they were dirty with, I barely know what I was doing then, I was so shocked. Jason asked me to take him to his own father because he had not visited his for a while and did not know where he lived."
Taking off his soiled clothes, Jason Galea told his father he had argued with his wife and needed a shower. He also gave the witness a plastic bag and told him to dump it. "Not knowing what was inside I threw it in the skip outside the door, then went home and got Jason a pair of my shorts and t-shirt as he had told me to do. I left him at his father's," he said.
Hours later, the wives of Jason and Mario l-Imniehru called at Farrugia's residence looking for Jason Galea. Seeing the state Farrugia was in and upon being told he did not know Galea's whereabouts, Mona Camilleri told Jason's wife: "He has killed them. He came to kill me and take my money and gold. My husband and son are both gone." The two women left Farrugia's residence to go file a police report. The police arrested him the next day.
Defence lawyer Joe Giglio called on the court to consider releasing the accused on bail. "It has been over five months and there are families and a business which need been seen to by the accused," the lawyer said, explaining there was no fear that Jason Galea will abscond. The court rejected the request for bail stating it is not the opportune time for bail to be granted.