Civil Court to continue hearing PN's vote-counting case
Judge orders the continuation of the case alleging mistakes in the counting of votes in the 2013 general election, stating the court will decide if it has jurisdiction to decide over the case only after all evidence is heard.
Madam Justice Jacqueline Padovani Grima ordered the continuation of the case filed by the PN on alleged mistakes in the counting of votes on the 8th and 13th districts in the 2013 general election stating the court will decide if it has jurisdiction after seeing all the evidence related to the case.
The PN is claiming votes to its candidates Claudette Buttigieg and Frederic Azzopardi were mislaid during the counting of votes. Due to the misplaced votes Labour candidates Edward Scicluna and Justyne Caruana were elected on the 8th and 13th district respectively at the expense of Buttigieg and Azzopardi.
During a sitting held in November, Dr Paul Lia, appearing for Labour MPs Justyne Caruana, Joe Debono Grech and minister Edward Scicluna, demanded whether the Civil Court had jurisdiction to decide on this case.
"This case is of a constitutional nature and if this court has no jurisdiction to hear this case, then the court should stop hearing witnesses," Lia had said.
Furthermore, Lia had reiterated that there was no need for this civil suit as Claudette Buttigieg was already an MP.
However, Madam Justice Jacqueline Padovani Grima today ordered the continuation of the case. "The Civil Court will hear all evidence put forward by the plaintiff and only then will it decided if it has jurisdiction to decide about the case", the judge stated.
Subsequently, PN lawyer Therese Commodini Cachia held that the plaintiff has only one other witness which is not expected to give lengthy evidence. Dr Paul Lia objected to the PN presenting witnesses who rather than testifying about facts, merely take the stand to express their opinions. Dr Commodini Cachia argued the reason for the yet un-named witness is to prove the prejudice the Nationalist Party was subject to in Parliament.
Dr Susan Sciberras is appearing on behalf of the Attorney General and Dr Ian Refalo, on behalf of the Electoral Commission.
Dr Therese Commodini Cachia is appearing for the Nationalist Party.