ALE officers seize over 100 birds in two days
Over 100 birds - some dead others alive - seized in searches conducted at a private residence, a pet shop and the Floriana flea market.
Searches mounted by the members of the Administrative Law Enforcement Unit (ALE) resulted in the confiscation of more than 100 birds, including birds alive and stuffed.
During a search carried out today at a private property belonging to two brothers, the ALE office confiscated 96 stuffed birds. The species were protected by law.
In a separate inspection at a pet shop, 45 finches were confiscated as the birds were not ringed.
During an inspection yesterday at the Floriana flea market, a number of birds were on sale. One of them was not ringed while a man was caught with four finches. The finches were not ringed either.

Ghall informazjoni tieghek fl-iskejjel ilhom issiru dawn l-affarijiet is-snin. Jiena naf ghax ghandi tlett itfal kbar issa u dejjem attenti li ma jaghmlux hsara lill ambjent kollhu iktar u iktar lill animali ul-ambjent ta' madwarna.
Il-problema gejja mill-GENITURI tat-tfal. L-ezempju hazin li jhallu il-missierijiet fit-tfal.L-EZEMPJU AHNA BIL-MALTI NGHIDU JKAXKAR. U fulstop.

Way to go. I am not in favour of hunting but some people are giving hunters a bad name. Hunters should be convinced that their hobby is not a hobby at all any more, but not by calling for referendums to impose the opinions of others. Educating the young against the hunting and capture of birds should be foremost on the civics lessons in schools.