Man with 40 cats and 14 dogs accused in court of causing inconvenience to neighbours
Court hears how man named his dogs ‘after his neighbours’.
Agostino Borg, 52 of Marsa, was today arraigned in court charged with turning his home into an animal sanctuary, breaching public peace, littering the street and keeping his dogs and cats in a state that cause nuisance to his neighbours.
In their report lodged to the police, some 15 residents of St Francis Street said the man swore a lot and liked picking up fights with them.
Prosecuting officer Christopher Debono told Magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras that Borg had named the dogs after his neighbours. He said the numbers were "fighting for their much-deserved peace and quiet, which has not been the case for years".
Despite several reports were lodged with the police, Borg kept on taking in dogs and cats, today totalling 40 cats and 14 dogs.
In the court's corridors before the arraignment, a number of residents said Borg used to urge his dogs to bark as loud as they can because it was their right to do so.
According to Debono, Borg had ignored the residents' complaints, choosing to fight with them. The residents, who presented the officer with photos of the litter caused by the animals, had also reported the matter to animal welfare officers but no action was taken.
"I could hear the dogs barking from 80 metres away and the smell of the animals' waste outside his house was overwhelming. The smell was so unbearable, I could not speak to him at his home," Debono said.
The residents said the continuous barking disturbed their place - whether it was in the afternoon or during the night. They said the smell was so unbearable they could not leave any doors or windows open. One witness also accused Borg of passing nasty comments and of swearing a lot.
The magistrate has ordered the Animal Welfare Department to inspect the animals.
Lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri appeared for the accused.