Mali youth accused of theft placed under probation
Magistrate places Malian youth under probation saying the accused should be given an opportunity to address his problem

Mahamadou Fofana, 18, was placed under a 24-month probation order after admitting to charges of thefts.
The youth, born in Mali and residing at Dar is-Sliem, Santa Venera and at the Hal Far Open Centre, was charged with attempted theft of a car, theft of a heater, damaging private property and handling stolen items.
The incident happened between the night of Sunday and Monday, when at around 2:30am, in Marsa, Fofana attempted to steal a Mercedes vehicle belonging to Anthony Agius. In the same night, the youth stole a heater from inside a Kia Pride belonging to Elizabeth Lotus Webber. During the thefts, Fofana was accompanied by an unknown person.
Having heard the offender plead guilty to the charges brought against him, the Court took into consideration his early plea, his clean police record and the fact that he started having problems after he was forced to leave Dar is-Sliem when he turned 18.
Magistrate Charmaine Galea said that the Court is of the opinion that the offender should benefit from an opportunity to be helped address his problems by means of a probation order. However the offender has to strictly adhere to the conditions imposed upon him and is to follow the probation officer’s instructions or face a custodial sentence.
Fofana was placed under a 24-month probation order.
Inspector Robert Vella prosecuted.