Tanti told police: ‘She called me a pussy, counted to three and jumped’
Court adjourns in third sitting for the compilation of evidence against Erin Tanti.

Erint Tanti, 23, the supply teacher of drama facing charges of murder and assisted suicide of Lisa Maria Zahra, 15, was said to have claimed he did not want to jump at the moment when Zahra decided to end her life from Dingli Cliffs.
In a cross-examination of police investigators and witnesses by defence counsel Michael Sciriha, it was established today that Tanti could have feared being arrested by police after the Zahra family found out that he was having sexual relations with Zahra, a student at the St Michael Foundation where Tanti was employed.
Tanti at first denied having had sexual relations with the girl, but was then faced with photos found in his mobile phone of him and the girl, naked in bed; and with reports showing traces of semen found in Zahra's underwear.
He was said to have told his mother Caroline Tanti, who was aware that he was having a relationship with the girl, that he did not want "to be known as some paedo".
Police found a Virtù Ferries ticket in his jacket pocket, together with just under €2,500 in cash which appear to be taken from a cash box belonging to his comedy troupe Wembley Stores Boy, suggesting that Tanti was preparing to take flight.
However, on the night of the 18-19 March, Tanti picked up Zahra from her house, the two then switched off their mobile phones in the vicinity of Naxxar, and then drove to Dingli Cliffs. The two were believed to have drank half a bottle of whisky, swalled the contents of three boxes of aspirin, before proceeding to jump.
Tanti told police officers that he saw Zahra searching for a spot from where to jump, but that he did not want to jump. He then said that Zahra looked at him, called him a 'pussy', counted to three and then jump. Tanti was said to have watched her fall to her death, hitting the rocks before landing in a tree.
The autopsy on Zahra's body confirmed that she had suffered head fractures and multiple joint fractures, compatible with the trauma suffered frorm the fall.
Tanti proceeded to jump after Zahra, but was said to have woken up later "in great pain", and then attempted to crawl back.
Although he did not wear a wristwatch, police inspectors testifying said he was very accurate about the time at which the jump took place, 4am.

Live blog and report of second day of compilation of evidence