Reckless driver handed a suspended jail term
Youth injures two people while driving drunk, handed a four-year suspended jail term, fined €4,000 and loses driving license for six months

A 22-year old youth of Zejtun was handed a suspended jail term after admitting to slightly injuring two people due to negligent driving.
Prosecuting Inspector Carol Fabri explained how, on Sunday evening, the accused was driving a Honda Civic in a reckless and negligent manner in Birzebbugia. The youth, who was under the influence of alcohol, sped through the town’s streets, lost control of his vehicle and crashed into three vehicles.
A certain Hoai Thoung Do Nguyen and Mark Anthony Bonello suffered slight injuries in the incident. When police officer arrived on the scene, the youth refused to given them his details and assaulted the Sergeant.
The Zejtun youth was also charged with damaging three other vehicles, disobeying police orders, being drunk in public and disturbing public peace and good order. He admitted to all charges.
Defence lawyer Albert Zerafa requested that the court orders a ban on the publication of the accused’s name due to his line of work. The defence also asked that the accused is given time to pay any fine imposed by the court.
Magistrate Antonio Vella, handed the youth a two-year jail term suspended for four years, suspended his driving license for four months and fined him €4,000. The court also upheld the ban on the publication of the accused’s name and informed the accused that the fine could be paid over a period of three years.
Inspector Carol Fabri prosecuted while lawyer Albert Zerafa appeared for the accused.