Romanian youth admits to stealing mobile phone
Foreign youth admits to stealing phone from another foreigner

Romanian national Ionut Neagu this afternoon pleaded guilty to charges of stealing a mobile phone, worth €500, from another foreigner.
On 16 April, 26-year old Neagu was walking in St Julian’s when he met Libyan Mohamed Elbakkouri and asked him to lend him his mobile to call his girlfriend. However when the Libyan handed over his HTC mobile phone, the accused ran away with it.
Yesterday, the Libyan man was in Paceville when he recognised Neagu as the man who stole his phone. The victim approached police officers on duty in Paceville and the Romanian was apprehended. He admitted to charges of theft aggravated by time and value.
Noting his guilty plea, Magistrate Marseanne Farrugia informed the accused that the charge he admitted to carried a maximum punishment of three years imprisonment, and gave Neagu time to reconsider his admission. However the Romanian confirmed his admission of guilt.
The defence counsel argued that the incident was an act of folly and the accused asked for forgiveness. "He came to Malta looking for a job but after this incident has no plans on staying. He will attempt to retrieve the stolen phone, but should he fail, he is ready to pay its value", the lawyer said.
Inspector Daryl Borg prosecuted, while Dr Cedric Mifsud appeared for the accused.
The case is put off till later this afternoon for sentencing.