Hunters want police protection against ‘privacy breach’
Hunters rail against ‘English attack’, claim TV presenter breaching privacy rules
The hunters’ federation FKNK has launched a new PR offensive against “the English” for focusing its attention Malta’s spring hunting season – from personalities like Queen guitarist Brian May and TV personality Bill Oddie, to reports from newspapers like The Times of London and the Guardian.
Yesterday, the FKNK’s Lino Farrugia dubbed wildlife campaigner Bill Oddie, who joined BirdLife volunteers to monitor the spring hunting season, “a mental case” after having suffered from bipolar disorder.
On Thursday the FKNK said it had presented a judicial protest against the Commissioner of Police and the Commissioner for Data Protection, for allegedly not intervening in “contemplated” or possible breaches of privacy rules, and protecting hunters.
The FKNK said BBC Springwatch presenter Chris Packham was violating hunters’ privacy by “planning to enter hunters’ private property” and by posting his video documentary on YouTube, which would involve filming them without their consent.
“It was said that Packham will employ a remote-piloted airplane with a video camera to film hunters, which would amount to a violation of the Air Navigation Order. And he also wants to follow hunters with the intention of filming then, an action that would be tantamount to harassment,” FKNK chief executive Lino Farrugia said.
"The FKNK takes note of the unjust attacks on Maltese hunters coming from England: May, Oddie, Packham, The Guardian, The Times of London, The Sun, ITV and BBC - the same England from where BirdLife executive director Steve Micklewright hails; the same England that allows 24-hour hunting every day, without exception."