Thief convicted of 2004 robbery
Court jails thief for 18 months after he admits to a robbery commited in a Siggiewwi residence in 2004

Paul Spagnol, 47, of San Gwann, was today handed an 18-month jail term over a robbery from a house he committed ten years ago.
The man was charged with breaking into a residence in Siggiewi, from where he stole jewellry and cash. He was also charged with aggravated theft, damaging private property and relapsing. The robbery took place on the night between the 18 and 19 May 2004.
Spagnol was arraigned at the end of 2005. Three years later, in 2008, and after the conclusion of evidence, the case was put off for judgement.
Last Monday, almost ten years after the robbery and eight years since the start of proceedings, the case was re-assigned to Magistrate Consuello-Pillar Scerri Herrera, and in the sitting, the accused admitted to all charges.
In today’s sitting, the court considered that eight years have passed since Spagnol was first arraigned over this case. “However, it also took the accused eight years to admit to the charges and he is also a relapser. That together with the substantial value of the stolen items make imprisonment the right punishment in this case”, the Magistrate said.
Spagnol, who was 37 when he committed the theft from the Siggiewi residence, was imprisoned for 18-months.
Inspector Carmelo Magri prosecuted.