Nigerian youth charged with theft and resisting arrest
Court hands Nigerian thief a three-year suspended sentence and fines him €4000.

Frank Godwin, 19, born in Nigeria, and residing at the Hal Far Open Centre, pleaded guilty to aggravated theft and resisting arrest.
The case happened in Paceville on 8 June, at about 05:15hrs. A stolen mobile phone was found in possession of Godwin, however when the police apprehended him, he resisted arrest and assaulted the officers.
Inspector Joseph Mercieca accused the Nigerian youth of the theft of a mobile phone, aggravated by value, and violently resisting arrest.
Frank Godwin admitted the charges brought against him.
Magistrate Charmaine Galea took into consideration the nature of the offences, the accused’s admission at the earliest stage of these proceedings, that stolen items were returned to the police and that the youth is a first time offender.
Godwin was handed a year’s jail term suspended for three years. He was also fined €4000, which can be paid in monthly instalments of €120 monthly. If the convicted fails to pay the fine, it shall be converted into a period of imprisonment at the rate of one day imprisonment for every €35.