Minor's testimony heard behind closed doors
Live-blog of compilation of evidence against Erin Tanti, accused of the murder and assisted suicide of 15-year-old Lisa Maria Zahra

A minor testifying against 23-year-old supply teacher Erin Tanti was heard behind closed doors after Magistrate Audrey Demicoli upheld a request by the lawyers of the victim’s family.
Tanti is accused of murdering and assisting in the suicide of 15-year-old pupil Lisa Marie Zahra.
The supply teacher is also accused of defilement of a minor, corruption of a minor, abuse of a position of trust, misuse of technology, and possession of indecent material involving minors. The accused has pleaded not guilty.
The minor, whose details have been banned by court order, testified via video conference.
Lawyers Giannella de Marco and Joe Giglio, appearing in parte civile for the Zahra family, requested that the proceedings be heard behind closed doors due to her “sensitive testimony.”
The victim’s family also argued that the issue is a matter of “morality” concerning the minor, and requested that the court ban the details of the minor.
While the request for the ban of the details was instantly accepted by Magistrate Audrey Demicoli, the defence’s requests for the sitting to be heard behind closed doors went unheeded, claiming that there is no legal provision allowing one witness to be heard behind closed doors whilst the rest are subject to the public eye.
But after the defence expressed no objection to the request of the lawyers of the victim’s family, Magistrate Demicoli accepted the request quoting Article 531 of the Criminal Code in stating that “the courts may hold its sittings with closed doors in cases where the proceedings might be offensive to modesty, or might cause scandal.”
Yesterday’s sitting also saw the court reappoint IT expert Stephen Farrugia Sacco to download Lisa Marie Zahra’s conversations on social media website ask.fm. In addition, Psychiatrist Leanne Camilleri, testified that when the police arrived at the hospital to interrogate Erin Tanti, he was in a fit state and able to answer to the police’s questions.
On the night of 18-19 March, Tanti picked up Zahra from her house, the two then switched off their mobile phones before driving to Dingli Cliffs. The two were believed to have drunk half a bottle of whisky, swallowed aspiring, before proceeding to jump.
The two were then discovered in a ledge beneath Dingli Cliffs.
15-year-old Zahra – identified as the daughter of businessman Anthony Zahra – died in the fall after suffering head fractures and multiple joint fractures. Tanti is said to have proceeded to jump after Zahra, but was said to have woken up later “in great pain”, and then attempted to crawl back.
During a previous sitting, Tanti said he feared being arrested by the police after the Zahra family found out he was having a sexual relationship with Zahra. Despite initially denying of having sexual relations with Zahra, he later admitted after being faced with photos found in his mobile phone of him and the girl, naked in bed.
The case has been adjourned to 14th August at 10:30am.
Lawyers Joe Giglio, Giannella de Marco, Steve Tonna Lowell and Reuben Farrugia are appearing in parte civile for the Zahra family. Lawyers Michael and Lucio Sciriha are appearing for Erin Tanti. Inspectors Keith Arnaud, Josric Mifsud and Sylvana Briffa are prosecuting.
Next on the witness stand was psychiatrist Anton Grech, who said that he will exempt himself from testifying by availing of his professional secrecy.
The request was however, not upheld by the defence whcih claimed that it had to first consult with its client. Dr Grech did not testify. The case has been adjourned to 14th August.