Man lands one-month jail term for breaching bail
Syrian national is jailed for a month after admitting to breaching bail conditions.
Syrian national, 20-year old Alnafouri Mohamad Nour was jailed for one month after being convicted of breaching bail.
The youth, who resides in Gzira was out on bail. One of his bail conditions was that he returns home by 11pm and does not leave his residence before 4 am. However officers apprehended him on the streets at a time he was supposed to be at home.
He pleaded guilty.
Magistrate Doreen Clarke, told Nour that the orders of the court should be strictly adhered to and not ignored. He was handed a month’s jail time.
Inspectors Nikolai Sant and Jason Sultana prosecuted, while Dr Gianluca Caruana Curran appeared for the accused.