Youth denies assaulting girlfriend and police, granted bail
22-year-old granted bail after pleading not guilty to assaulting, slightly injuring, and threatening police Sergeant and Constable.

A 22-year-old form Birzebbugia accused of injuring his girlfriend and of assaulting two police officers has been released on bail after pleading not guilty to eight charges.
The court heard how on Thursday, the accused, Wayne Borg, got into an argument with his girlfriend. The argument spewed to the Birzebbugia streets before the accused’s girlfriend – who also happens to be the mother of his children – escaped to a friend’s house.
The accused then went to the friends’ residence, and a new argument erupted. The court heard how the argument reached boiling point when Borg broke down the door, demanding that he talks to his girlfriend and that he sees his children.
Police were subsequently called in calm down the situation, but Borg resisted arrest and also assaulted two police officials.
Standing before Magistrate Carol Peralta this morning, the accused, pleaded not guilty to threatening and injuring his girlfriend Roxanne Schiavone; assaulting and threatening Police Sergeant James Saliba and Police Constable Colin Spiteri, and of slightly injuring Sergeant Saliba.
The accused also denied disobeying police orders, and breaching public peace.
In submissions for bail, the defence told the court that the incident had only occurred because the girlfriend’s friends interfered in the argument. Had the friends not interfered, the argument would not have erupted, the defence held.
On its part, prosecuting inspector Kevin Pulis told the court that bail should not be granted because the accused may tamper with his girlfriends’ and her friends’ evidence.
In its decree, the court noted that the accused has a clean criminal record and granted him bail against a deposit of €300 and a personal guarantee of €2,700. Moreover, the court warned Borg against seeing his girlfriend, telling him that if he wants his children he must seek legal assistance.
Magistrate Carol Peralta presided while Inspector Kevin Pulis prosecuted.