Fisherman caught with two tuna fish arrested, charged in court
45-year-old state-employed watchman pleads not guilty to illegally fishing two tuna weighing 80 kilograms
A fisherman from Cospicua was this morning arraigned in court and charged with the illegal fishing of two tuna.
The court heard how on August 13, the accused, Alfred Previ, 45, who works as a state-employed watchman at a school in Cospicua, was caught in the illegal possession of two tuna fish on board his fishing vessel.
Prosecuting inspector Maria Stella Cutajar Attard told the court that the fisherman was arrested by ALE officials after they received a tip-off from officials at the agricultural department. The “fisherman’s vessel” – which has since been identified as being a small speedboat - was then seized and towed to St Thomas Bay in Marsascala.
Subsequently, the fisheries department director filed a criminal complaint against Previ, who was in turn arraigned this morning before Magistrate Ian Farrugia.
Previ pleaded not guilty to to fishing without a licence, to fishing during the off season, and to being in the illegal possession of two tuna fish.
Sources close to the case said Previ caught the fish outside Maltese territorial waters and that he was arrested while entering into Malta’s seas.
The fish were weighed at 31 kilograms and 50 kilograms respectively, and had since been sold.
In submissions for bail, the defence insisted that there is no fear of tampering evidence or of absconding, and the prosecution did not object to bail. Magistrate Ian Farrugia granted Previ bail against a personal guarantee of €1,000.
The court also ordered that the accused’s speedboat be released.
Inspector Maria Stella Attard prosecuted, while Lawyer Charmaine Cherrett represented the accused.