[WATCH] Opposition presents no confidence motion in Manuel Mallia
Jason Azzopardi describes this motion as "the moment of truth" for Labour MPs who "speak to us in private about their disgust at Mallia's behaviour"

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The Nationalist Opposition has officially presented a no confidence motion in Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia in the wake of a shooting incident involving his driver, Paul Sheehan.
Sheehan was yesterday charged with attempted homicide, a week after he fired his gun at a car who had rammed into Mallia’s ministerial car.
The motion was presented to Speaker Anglu Farrugia by PN deputy leader Mario de Marco and MP Jason Azzopardi.
“Mallia had released a statement describing this incident as a hit-and-run, saying that Sheehan had fired warning shots,” De Marco told Speaker Anglu Farruga. “In a press conference, Mallia downplayed the incident and described Sheehan as a quiet man.”
“The vehicle was removed from the scene before the Magistrate arrived to investigate. This is unacceptable and Mallia should shoulder political responsibility.”
De Marco said the Opposition will not be satisfied if somebody else, such as Mallia’s chief of staff Silvio Scerri, is sacked instead of the minister. He insisted that it was Mallia that should shoulder political responsibility.
“Online surveys show that the majority of the people want Mallia out … the people have lost faith in Mallia," De Marco said. "The opposition is reflecting the voice of the people.”
De Marco also urged Labour MPs to vote “according to their conscience”.
“We appeal to the Labour MPs to stand up and be counted and walk the talk," de Marco said. "The Prime Minister had spoken a lot about political accountability before the general elections and here’s an example of political accountability. Is Mallia ready to shoulder political responsibility? If he doesn’t, then ultimately the buck stops at the Prime Minister and it is he who should shoulder this political responsibility."
"This is the moment of truth for those deputies who speak to us in private about their disgust at Mallia's behaviour," Shadow Home Affairs Minister Jason Azzoaprdi said, while calling for all MPs to vote according to their conscience.
The Speaker, as is parliamentary procedure, said the House Business Committee will set a date for this motion to be discussed in parliament.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has ordered an independent inquiry to investigate allegations of cover-up after an original statement issued by the Ministry for Home Affairs claimed that shots fired were “warning shots”. Photos taken by the media however showed the car hit from two sides.