Man granted bail after drunken public disturbance
25-year-old pleaded not guilty to charges of public drunkenness, resisting arrest, slightly injuring a police officer, causing voluntary damage to a police officer’s uniform, disobeying a lawful order and breaching the peace.
A Siggiewi man has been granted bail after he caused a disturbance in Paceville, in which a policeman was slightly injured.
25-year-old salesman Joseph Balzan pleaded not guilty to charges of public drunkenness, resisting arrest, slightly injuring a police officer, causing voluntary damage to a police officer’s uniform, disobeying a lawful order and breaching the peace.
Inspector Elton Taliana told the court that the disturbance occurred at 4:00am on the 13 December after police approached the accused, who had reportedly consumed an entire bottle of sambuca and was incapable of taking care of himself.
Lawyer Jason Azzopardi objected to the arraignment under arrest as the accused had already been granted police bail, having spent 19 hours under arrest. The court overruled this objection, saying that the procedure was valid according to law.
Inspector Taliana objected to bail due to the gravity of the offence, however Azzopardi countered telling the court that the gravity of the offence only affects the conditions imposed on bail, not whether or not bail is to be granted.
Magistrate Aaron Bugeja accepted the defence’s arguments and granted the accused bail against a €500 depost and a personal guarantee of €2500. He also ordered the accused not to approach the Paceville area.