Libyan student charged with beating his partner denied bail
The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges

A 25-year-old student from Tripoli has been denied bail after a court could not establish his address.
Alaeddin Taroum appeared before Magistrate Giovanni Grixti, accused of attacking his partner, a French woman, at a Naxxar apartment, causing grievous injury and threatening her.
The accused, assisted by Mark Antony Mifsud Cutajar, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The defence requested bail, arguing that the fact that a witness was yet to testify does not automatically exclude bail, especially as no fear of tampering with evidence or interfering with witnesses had been specified by the prosecution.
“The court was empowered to give whatever order it felt necessary to balance the administration of justice and the accused’s right as a person not convicted,” he said.
Police Inspector Luke Bonello, prosecuting, objected on the grounds that the accused’s partner was afraid that there could be other incidents, mooting the possibility of a protection order on behalf of the woman.
Inspector Bonello told the court that the accused was living at a different address to that specified on his refugee card and indeed there was brief confusion in the courtroom when the accused was asked to give his address, mentioning different towns and saying he “could live with friends”.
The court however, in view of the uncertainty of the accused’s address and the gravity of the injuries allegedly suffered, felt that it merited that the accused be remanded in custody until the complainant’s testimony can be heard.