No bail for man who assaulted his mother

Young man suffering from ADHD pleads not guilty to charges of assaulting, insulting and threatening members of his family

Anger management issues have led to a young man being denied bail after he was charged with assaulting his mother and siblings.

Arraigned before Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, the 18 year-old pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting, insulting and threatening members of his family. He was also charged with causing them to fear that violence will be used against them and harassing them. 

The court heard Inspector Edel Mary Camilleri explain that so serious was his emotional instability that his mother had told her she did not wish him to live with them if he was to be granted bail. 

She told the court that it appeared that the mother’s constant nagging led to a build-up of rage in the man, which had finally erupted. The young man suffers from ADHD, she said, but was refusing to take his medication, claiming it would “make him stupid.”

"He is too young to be in court and he has appeared here several times. He has already been given three probation orders so he's been given chances. There are social problems if someone attacks one’s own mother," said the magistrate. 

Bail was requested by the defence, which would require him to live apart from his mother. The court was told that a friend of the accused had offered to put him up at his home, but when summoned, the friend could not remember his address as “my ID and driver’s licence are being held in court”. It eventually transpired that he also lived at his aunt’s house.

The court denied the request for bail and appointed a psychiatrist to assess the man’s mental health. It also issued a treatment order a protection order for the mother and the man’s younger siblings. 

Names are being withheld to protect the identity of the mother and siblings.