No bail for refugee charged with drug trafficking
Weldetinsae was arrested after a random search conducted by the police in Paceville found him to be carrying 8 grams of cannabis resin
A court has denied bail to an Eritrean refugee after he pleaded not guilty to charges of having trafficked cannabis during the operative period of a suspended sentence.
Magistrate Joseph Bugeja heard Inspector Jonathan Cassar charge Awet Estifanos Weldetinsae, 24 with possession of cannabis in circumstances which denoted that it was not solely for his personal use, within 100 metres of a place frequented by youths and committing a crime during the operative period of a suspended sentence.
Inspector Cassar explained how a random search conducted by the police in Paceville had resulted in the arrest of Weldetinsae, who resides at the Hal Far Open Centre. He had been found to be carrying nine strips of cannabis resin weighing a total of 8 grams.
The accused, who works as a plasterer, denied the charges.
The court turned down a request for bail.
Lawyer Victor Bugeja was legal aid for the accused.