Angry young man refuses court's offer of help
A 20-year-old with a considerable criminal history turned down treatment for his anger management issues and was remanded in custody
A young man with anger management issues and a conviction sheet of considerable length has been remanded in custody today after refusing to submit to a treatment order.
20-year-old Josef Scerri, from St. Paul’s Bay, was arraigned after he had created a disturbance in court during separate proceedings before Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit yesterday.
It appears that the accused had stormed out of the courtroom, swearing during the testimony delivered by his girlfriend. He then assaulted police officers whom the magistrate had ordered to bring him back in. One officer was slightly injured.
Scerri was arraigned before Magistrate Marseann Farrugia today and charged with assaulting and threatening police officers, causing slight injuries to one of them, resisting arrest, breaching the peace, disobeying police orders and relapsing.
The accused denied the charges and requested bail.
Prosecuting police Inspector Daryl Borg, prosecuting, objected to the request, pointing out that in his 20 years of life, Scerri had already notched up several convictions, been jailed and had a clear anger management issue.
However, legal aid lawyer Christopher Chircop, argued that the defence would summon witnesses to testify that none of the accusations were true. In addition there was no risk of the accused tampering with evidence, since prosecution witnesses would be police officers.
“Scerri needs help, not a prison cell,” said Chircop.
The magistrate said she was concerned that someone so young already had six prior convictions on his criminal record and suggested that he be placed under a treatment order, which would help him address problems with his temperament.
Scerri was unprepared for the offer and at first accepted, only to retract his consent moments later. In view of his refusal to be placed under a treatment order, as well as his criminal record, the court remanded him in custody.