Drug trafficker gets 28 months in prison, €2,500 fine
Nazzareno Mercieca pleaded guilty to two counts of heroin trafficking and two counts of aggravated possession of heroin, aggravated possession of cocaine, dangerous driving and relapsing.

A 27-year-old drug addict has been jailed after he admitted to drug trafficking and aggravated possession of hard drugs.
Before magistrate Aaron Bugeja, Inspector Herman Mula had charged Nazzareno Mercieca with two counts of heroin trafficking and two counts of aggravated possession of heroin. Mercieca was also charged with aggravated possession of cocaine, dangerous driving and relapsing. Mercieca had pleaded guilty to the charges.
The accused was controlled by his addiction, defence lawyer Christopher Chircop had argued. Mercieca had successfully weaned himself off drugs for a time, but had fallen into his old habits, the lawyer explained, adding that he wanted to be cured of his addiction and that the punishment inflicted should not be so harsh as to discourage him from treating it.
In his sentence, magistrate Bugeja noted that he had no choice but to find the accused guilty. The court handed Mercieca an effective 2 and a half year prison sentence and fined him €2500, giving him three years to pay the fine.
His driving licence was also suspended for a year.
The court ordered the destruction of the drugs seized.