[WATCH] Man injured in Cassar Shipyards accident
Blast from ship's air pipe at Cassar Shipyards in Marsa injures man

Cassar Shipyards, Marsa (Photo: Ray Attard)

A firetruck and a police motorbike at the scene of the explosion at Cassar Shipyards

Police went on site to investigate the incident (Photo: Ray Attard)
Video is unavailable at this time.
A man was injured in when an air pipe exploded at Cassar Shipyards on Triq is-Salib tal-Marsa in Marsa, the police have confirmed.
The man, whose identity is so far unknown, was working on a ship when the pipe, which runs across the ship's cistern, exploded.
Sources on site said the air pipe is used to warm or cool down cisterns on ship. The impact of the blast resulted in the worker injuring his back, but police say that injuries do not appear to be grevious.
Fire engines and ambulances went on site to take control of the situation and succour the injured man.
The explosion happened at around noon.