[WATCH] Men accused of murdering Colombian plead not guilty
Zyad Mohamed Drebeka and Ahmed Rasem Franko plead not guilty and were remanded in custody.

The two Libyan nationals, Zyad Mohamed Drebeka and Ahmed Rasem Franko have pleaded not guilty to charges relating to the murder of a Colombian man in Paceville.
The men, aged 23 and 29 years respectively, were charged with the homicide of the 37-year-old Colombian national, who succumbed to injuries sustained in a brawl in Paceville and died on Sunday morning. The man reportedly suffered several blows to the head from the two men. He was hit with glass before being rushed to hospital.
Lawyer Arthur Azzopardi entered not guilty plea on behalf of Ziyad Mohammed Drebreka, a 23-year-old student from Tripoli, currently living in Swieqi. The second accused, also a Libyan living in Swieqi - Ahmed Rasem A Franka 30, who is unemployed - also pleaded not guilty plea. Lawyer Veronique Dalli is appearing on behalf of Franka.
None of the men requested bail.
Inspector Keith Arnaud from the homicide investigation section of the Criminal Investigation Department is prosecuting.