Crime scene officers to receive specialised training
Specialised training course for scene of crime officers, given by experts from the Netherlands Forensic Institute, to start on Monday

A team of international experts from the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) is in Malta to give a specialised training course to scene of crime officers. This was possible following a memorandum of understanding signed a month ago between Minister Helena Dalli and Minister Ard van der Steur of The Netherlands.
As from Monday, a group of crime scene investigators will be receiving training in the field of forensic awareness, photography, crime scene investigation, bloodstain pattern analysis biological traces and reporting.
Addressing a press conference, Dalli emphasised the need for continuous training in this area. Dalli mentioned the BioDNA Lab that was inaugurated earlier this week and that now with this training, the skills of crime officers will be enhanced.
“As the Ministry for Civil Liberties which is also in charge of the laboratories, we are committed to see that justice is done and that citizens are givern their rights,” she added. This training is another step in strengthening this process.
The Chair of the Malta Laboratories Network, Anthony Serracino Inglott explained the significance behind the creation of a network of laboratories in Malta that would maximise the use of scientific equipment and human resources.
He remarked how it was decided that the first investment of this network should go towards the forensic section for scene of crime officers within the Malta Police Force.
Johannes Jacobus Nijssen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands said that as the current Presidency of the European Union, the Netherlands has set a goal for the 28 Member States, to work towards a so-called ‘European Forensic Science Area’ by 2020.
Nijssen said that forensic science is clearly one of the terrains where this close collaboration between Malta and the Netherlands can be longer lasting and can be mutually beneficial to both.
Judy van Overveld, Training Course Coordinator from NFI stated that this opening of the scene of crime training defines the start of a close and long-term relationship between the Malta Laboratories Network and the NFI. “Me and my colleagues are anxious to start and are looking forward to our close cooperation,” she added.
The press conference was also addressed by Dennis Boon, NFI scene of crime expert who together with Martin Roos will be handling the first part of this training course.
Karel Zeypueld, attaché for the Dutch Embassy was also in attendance.