Somali handed suspended sentence for stabbing fellow countryman

A 20-year-old Somali man was handed a suspended sentence this morning after he admitted to stabbing one of his fellow countrymen during the early hours of this morning

A 20-year-old Somali man who has resided in Malta for three years, was handed a suspended sentence this morning after he admitted to stabbing one of his fellow countrymen during the early hours of this morning.

Magistrate Gabriella Vella heard Inspector Robert Vella explain how Saif Faisal Ibrahim Sahir, was arrested earlier today, after his victim was discharged from hospital. The prosecution explained how, at four o' clock this morning, another Somali man had gone to the police station with wounds to his arm, which had clearly been caused by a sharp instrument, said the inspector. The victim was later medically certified as having been slightly injured.

Sahir, who lives at the Marsa Open Centre, was charged with slightly injuring Nasir Aabi, carrying a knife in public without police permission, breaching the peace, damaging a vehicle and being drunk and disorderly in public.

Replying to the court by means of a translator, the accused pleaded guilty and apologised for his actions.

Although the accused admitted to using a sharp instrument, the weapon itself was not recovered.

Lawyer Martin Fenech, appearing as legal aid to the accused, argued that Sahir had been living in Malta for three years and had no criminal record. “It was a one-off incident. He deserves a suspended sentence, your honour.”

In view of his plea, Magistrate Gabriella Vella found the man guilty as charged. Noting his clean conduct and early admission, Sahir was handed a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

After admonishing Sahir and explaining the implications of the sentence, the court also ordered him not to approach or speak to the victim for one year against a personal guarantee of €200.