'Early riser' fined €1,000 for breaching curfew
The 27-year-old man was spotted in Marsa at around 5am, in breach of his curfew
An early-morning visit to Marsa has cost a man €1,000 after it led to him being found guilty of breaching bail conditions.
Inspector Edmond Cuschieri arraigned Ryan Briffa, 27, of Qormi before magistrate Gabriella Vella this morning, accusing him of violating a curfew that was part of bail conditions which had been imposed on him in 2013.
Inspector Cuschieri told the court that he received a phone call this morning from one of his police sergeants, informing him that Briffa had been found in Marsa at around 5am, in breach of his curfew and “in the company of a person known to the police”.
Briffa is well-known to the police and told the court this morning that he was expecting a decision in an appeal he had filed against a four-year prison sentence, in the coming days.
Lawyer Amadeus Cachia informed the court that the accused would be pleading guilty to the charges.
The defence asked the court to consider imposing a fine by way of punishment, instead of imprisonment. Cachia argued for clemency, pointing out that he accused had filed a guilty plea at the earliest stages of proceedings.
Not all bail conditions are created equal, and some are less serious than others, he said. Briffa was out of the house 30 minutes earlier than he should have been and had failed to sign a bail book, submitted the lawyer. “They aren't the most serious of breaches.”
In the circumstances, Magistrate Gabriella Vella opted to fine the man €1,000, warning him that – while the court would not be revoking bail or confiscating his €3,000 bail deposit this time – he would face the full force of the law if he were convicted again.
Lawyers Amadeus Cachia and Franco Debono are defence counsel.