Dutchman denies drug charges
The man was charged with supplying and distributing cocaine and ecstasy within 100 metres of a place frequented by young people

A Dutch national has denied charges of supplying cocaine and ecstasy.
Timothy Jacobs,38, from Naxxar, appeared under arrest before magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras this morning, charged with supplying and distributing cocaine and ecstasy in February. He was also accused of being in possession of the drugs and with committing these offences within 100 metres of a place frequented by young people.
Jacobs, who is from Holland, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
His lawyer, Stefano Filletti requested bail, pointing out that the only witness to testify is in jail and that the accused had gone to the police of his own accord.
The court released Jacobs on bail against a deposit of €2,500 and a personal guarantee of €10,000. He was ordered to sign a bail book twice daily and observe a curfew.
Inspector Trevor Micallef prosecuted.