Inmate denies assaulting prison guard
The female inmate denied attacking the guard who was escorting her at hospital

A female prison inmate has denied attacking a prison guard who was escorting her whilst at hospital.
Lorraine Vella, 46, was arraigned under arrest before duty magistrate Aaron Bugeja this afternoon, accused of slightly injuring a prison guard, violently resisting her, using obscene language in public, disturbing the peace, disobeying legitimate orders and relapsing.
Vella, who is serving time for another offence, is understood to have attacked the guard despite being handcuffed at the time.
Lawyer Franco Debono objected to the woman’s arraignment under arrest in view of the fact that she was already in detention, but the court said it felt Inspector Bernardette Valletta was legally justified in choosing to arraign under arrest and not by summons.
Debono entered a not guilty plea. Bail was not requested in view of the fact that the woman was a CCF inmate.