Qrendi man denies punching wife
The man was nonetheless ordered to move to a different address but was allowed to return to his house to feed his horse

A man from Qrendi has denied domestic violence charges after he was arraigned in court and accused of punching his wife.
Inspector Roderick Attard arraigned the man, who cannot be named on the orders of the court, before magistrate Gabriella Vella this morning.
The wife of the accused had filed a report with Appogg claiming to have been punched. The next day, the daughter of the accused had reported that the father was being abusive towards her too. Social workers informed the police and the man was arrested.
The accused, a 47-year-old undertaker pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Medical certificates were presented to the court, documenting the woman’s injuries. She was placed under a protection order which prohibits the accused from approaching her.
The accused was granted bail against a deposit of €500 and a personal guarantee of €3,000.
He was ordered to move to a different address, but was allowed to return to his house to feed his horse twice a day when his wife would not be at home.
Lawyers Franco Debono and Amadeus Cachia were defence counsel.
Lawyer Lara Dimitriyevic appeared as parte civile for the wife.
The court ordered a ban on the publication of name of the accused in all media.