Sliema thief caught in the act, court told

The thief, who had been caught red-handed carrying stolen items as he left a Sliema apartment block, was jailed for two years suspended for four

The thief was caught red-handed leaving a block of flats with stolen items (Stock photo)
The thief was caught red-handed leaving a block of flats with stolen items (Stock photo)

A thief, who was caught red-handed carrying stolen items as he exited a Sliema apartment block, has been given a suspended sentence after pleading guilty to related charges in court and promising to collaborate with the police in future investigations.

Electrician Francesco Loporcaro, 47, from Bari, Italy, residing in Paola, admitted his culpability during his arraignment this morning, pleading guilty to aggravated theft from two Sliema flats last Tuesday.

Prosecuting Inspectors Saviour Baldacchino and Bernardette Valletta explained how the police had been alerted to the presence of strangers inside a block of flats.

Police officers dispatched to the scene spotted the suspect exiting the block with a bag full of objects he had just stolen: a watch, jewellery, fishing tackle and other items.

The man was taken to court and accused with two separate charges of theft, aggravated by means, place and value in view of the items stolen.

The accused pleaded guilty, telling the court that he was sorry for what he had done.

“Yes, I’m guilty, I’m convinced,” reiterated the accused.

Defence lawyer Joseph Brincat suggested that his client deserved a suspended sentence in view of his early guilty plea and his cooperation with the police.

The prosecution told the court of the man’s cooperation and did not insist upon incarceration. It also informed the court that some of the stolen property had not yet been recovered and that investigations were still ongoing.

After having giving the accused time to reconsider his plea, magistrate Josette Demicoli declared him guilty by his own admission.

The court handed down a two-year jail term suspended for four years, warning the man to keep out of trouble.